Which Sitcom Character Archetype Are You?
Which Sitcom Character Archetype Are You?
Are you more of a charming schemer or a wacky next door neighbor? Find out here!
Are you more of a charming schemer or a wacky next door neighbor? Find out here!
Time-out: Your class project is due tomorrow, and you're not even close to being done with it. What do you do?
What kind of act would you perform during the school's talent show?
Which sitcom animal would you try to keep hidden from your parents?
Cory & Topanga or Shawn & Angela?
There can only be one: Who's the REAL Aunt Viv?
Which one of these nonsensical statements would be your catchphrase?
Sunny D or the purple stuff?
Finally, which "Fresh Prince" move do you regularly bust out on the dance floor?
The Charming Schemer
The Charming Schemer
The strikingly good-looking nucleus of your friend group. There's no situation that you're unable to talk yourself into or out of, so you treat the world as your oyster. Sometimes, on special occasions, you might even find yourself able to stop time and speak to the audience.
The Lovelorn Geek
The Lovelorn Geek
You're the smartest person in the entire school, but you can't seem to ace the test of love.. The odds of you finally getting your soulmate to give you a chance are historically stacked against you, but with a little patience (and a lot of pestering), you may be able to get them to loosen up sooner or later.
The Next-Door Neighbor
The Next-Door Neighbor
Let's be honest: you're the real star of the show. Every time you make your dramatic (and usually unwelcome) entrance through your neighbor's door, the crowd goes wild.
The Special Celebrity Guest
The Special Celebrity Guest
Your presence alone bring crowds of people to their feet in a frenzy, and even though the focus isn't on you for long, the impact you've made on others won't be forgotten.
The Supportive Parental Figure
The Supportive Parental Figure
Your loving and understanding personality allows you to be the main center of support for everyone around you. Aside from having outstanding listening skills, you're also pretty good at making inspirational speeches on the fly and are an excellent hug-giver.
The Kid That Wants Their Friends To Do Something They Don't Want To, But They Do It Anyway Because It's A Very Special Episode
The Kid That Wants Their Friends To Do Something They Don't Want To, But They Do It Anyway Because It's A Very Special Episode
You can be a pretty bad influence on your friends at times, but it doesn't make you a bad person. Once you realize the error of your ways, you can usually redeem yourself by apologizing and participating in a PSA.
The Extra Sibling That Gets Written Out of the Show
The Extra Sibling That Gets Written Out of the Show
You're the one that's always forgotten about because of the constant escapades of your other family members. Let's hope your parents don't tell you to go clean your room any time soon, because there's a chance we won't see you again afterward.