Which League Role best fits your playstyle?

6 unique positions for every team in the League of Legends, only one can be YOU. Find out which one, and get started now.

Jay Romero
Created by Jay Romero(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 24, 2016

More on the reserved side of the team?

Are you the type that would fight over vision on the map?

Do like helping your bad teammates win? Roaming on the map and assisting them?

Making sure your teammates don't die alone? Making sure they don't 1v5 the enemy team?

Your teammate gives first blood. What's your reaction?

You stole dragon and got an ace on the enemy team. How did you do it?

What role do you think YOU are?

Top Lane

Top Lane

You're on your on little island. Much like the jungler of the team you call the shots when the time comes. When your team is losing a fight you can pop in and say WHATSUPITSMEPEWDIEPIEEIJFDHGGDL and smash the enemy team's faces in. Top lane is far in the corner on the playing field, so much of the time you will be strictly against one other person. 1v1ing someone whether you win or lose. It doesn't matter. You are a team player and you will win the fights for your team with precise focusing. And when it's all over you can smirk and laugh like a moron about slapping them in the face with your sword. I'm looking at you Garen.



Well well well, what a big-shot you are. Thinking you're hot shit because you do the most damage on the team and have the most kills. You're the heart of the team. Without you in there killing the other threats on the enemy team, there would be no victor. You carry the team on your back with godlike positioning. You get all the credit if you win the game too. You're a carry for a reason. Be proud.

Mid Lane

Mid Lane

Another big shot! But you're the team janitor. You clean up fights more often than a mall on Black Friday. You stay in the back of your team. As they body guard you, you make the calls and make the shots. You're protected at all times and you have range. And even though you're made from paper you can do a shitton of damage, enough to ace a whole team. And boy do you take credit for it.



Unsung hero of the team. You're the team mom and you make sure all your babies stay alive in fights and in the game. You give carry them on your back so they can carry you to victory later in the game, and no one thanks you for it. You're overshadowed by your ADC. Rarely anyone shows gratitude towards this role, that's why no one wants it.



You observe from afar, and come into play when the team needs you. Your job mostly is to look for teammates that aren't doing so hot in game and and help give them that extra push they need to conquer their opponent. You objectively have control of the playing field, you decide whether you want to play defensively or offensively.



You're the smooth type. The chill type. You don't give a shit where you go. You'll be the MVP of the team that plays all roles, and just fills whatever is left so there's no raging. Props to you for taking one for the team and filling whatever role is left open.

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