How Well Do You Know Middle-Earth?
How Well Do You Know Middle-Earth?
So you think you know the best fantasy land ever? Please don't google the answers or feel bad if you get a low score. I wouldn't know this stiff if I didn't know this stuff. I consulted mostly books and some internet sources for these answers, if you disagree please comment.
So you think you know the best fantasy land ever? Please don't google the answers or feel bad if you get a low score. I wouldn't know this stiff if I didn't know this stuff. I consulted mostly books and some internet sources for these answers, if you disagree please comment.

What year was the War of the Ring?
What year did Isildur get the One Ring?
What year did Bilbo receive the One Ring?
How old is Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit?
How many Dwarves have the name of Durin?
Who ordered the 'blade that was broken' to be reforged?
Why did Frodo have to leave Middle-earth?
How many Ainur are there?
How many of the Ainur are Valar?
How many of the Ainur are Maiar?
True or False: Galadriel is a Valar?
True or False: Gandalf is a Maiar?
What are the Ainur names of the two Blue Wizards?
Why is Aragorn called Elessar?
What are the names of the three trolls Bilbo Baggins encounters?
What are the names of three Hobbit families Bilbo mentions in his speech?
What is Tom Bombadil's Ainur name?
Who is the 'Keeper of the Dead'?
Who was the first 'Dark Enemy'?
Which of the Dwarves is not related to Thorin?
Where does Gimli go in the end?
How many ages of Middle-earth were recorded?
Who is Ancalagon the Black?
What year was Anarion slain?
Who killed Thingol?
Finish the quote: "We must away Ere break of day..."
Which is not a credit song?
He died. Why was he called Durin the Deathless?
In Return of the King chapter, 'The Scouring of the Shire' the party tree is cut down. What does Sam plant in its place?
How old is Peter Jackson?