Which Survivor Of Oceanic 815 Are You?
Which Survivor Of Oceanic 815 Are You?
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Find out here!
Who would you want as your boyfriend/girlfriend?
What's your hobby?
Do you believe in fate?
Do you believe in God?
Is the island a good place?
What group would you lead?
Which environment do you do best in?
What are you willing to do to get your way?
How loyal are you?
Do you regret your past?
Do you get angry easily?
Choose a calming image.
Which appeals to you more?
Are you misunderstood?
John Locke or Johnlock or John Locke?
Are you a Man of Science of a Man of Faith?
Choose a Jack/Locke image.
On a scale of 1-5, how lucky are you?
Do you have a therapist?
Test your luck: Choose a number.
Jack Shephard! You are the leader of the group and always try to do what's best for everyone although, you also have a competitive side . You have family issues and relationship problems, but who doesn't? you want to be ordinary even though you know you are not. you are intelligent. Because of your intelligence, you refuse to believe in a higher power and always take your destiny into your own hands and will not be led, you have gained the title 'Man of Science'.
Kate Austen! So, you've got a pretty hard life which includes serious parental relationships and lots of trouble with the law. You've tried to put your past behind you but have a hard time letting go. You are called mysterious and solitary, not because you don't necessarily like people but because you don't want other people to know you're secrets. You are resourceful, loving and quick witted. You have a hard time staying in one place which has interfered with your relationships.
James 'Sawyer' Ford! Like many on the island, you've had trouble with the law and have been in jail. You seek revenge on all who wrong you and tend to hold a grudge. You tougher and stronger than you really are to intimidate others and push them away, although you have only become this way to try and protect yourself from any further harm and heart break. You are willing to lie, cheat and steal to get your way but that is the only way you know how to get by. Despite your strong masculine personality.You are an avid reader and always have a good comeback or nickname for absolutely anyone you know. You're a really a good person and caring lover, this is only hard for some to see, including yourself at times, because of your troubled past.
Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes! You are the comedian of the group and are always looking for a good time. You make friends easily. You are very superstitious and although you are seen as a happy-go-lucky person you have actually had some very bad luck in your past.
Sun Kwon! You appear gentle, helpful, caring and social most of the time but your are also quite protective. If someone threatens the ones you love you will not hesitate to face them, whether in a group or alone. You've got some relationship and commitment problems and sometimes allow yourself you get pushed around by other people who are placed higher than you. This bothers you a bit but you'll put up with the boss until they push you too far...
John Locke! You are a firm believer in fate and destiny. You don't let anyone define your boundaries or tell you what you can't do. You have a bad parental relationship and have been betrayed by the ones you love. You are viewed as 'different' by society and those your really get to know you might even consider your 'special'. No one else is exactly like you and it is hard for you to find people to socialize and relate to. You are willing to do whatever it takes to follow your path and fulfill your destiny, even if it means pushing your friends away or preforming unfair or even violent acts. Despite past decisions, you are an overall good person.
Charlie Pace! You are one of the most underrated people because you have been overlooked. You pretend to have false talent and make sacrifices just to fit in with everyone else. However, if you just try to be yourself you will find your true friends. Sometimes, your opinion is overlooked by others and your are not seen as very important.
Claire Littleton! You are a strong and caring person. You are not afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You are a bit superstitious and do believe in fate. You are social and friendly, you try to keep others looking on the bright side. You are a protective person and have some trust issues. You have a few secrets in your past, but for the most part you are willing to talk about them.