Are You An Ultimate Master Of The New Star Wars Generation?
Are You An Ultimate Master Of The New Star Wars Generation?
Find out by putting your knowledge of the Force to the Ultimate test and see if you're ready for THE LAST JEDI!
Find out by putting your knowledge of the Force to the Ultimate test and see if you're ready for THE LAST JEDI!

Unkar Plutt holds a stranglehold over:
Poe Dameron founded & leads which squadron for the Resistance?
Captain Phasma's armor is made from salvaged:
Which Porgs are Male?
We're looking at:
Who is this returning Rebel?
Kylo Ren pilots a custom:
Which of these aliens does NOT exit alongside Luke Skywalker on his new adopted home?
Name another Mon Calamari Admiral (besides Ackbar):
Rey has lived most of her life as a scavenger on:
How did the First Order amass their power?
Supreme Leader Snoke commands what ship?
These Resistance Speeders are skiing across:
Luke has found exile on the planet:
Finn's Stormtrooper designation was:
Princess Leia now prefers the title of:
Kylo's personal mission, enforced by Snoke, is to:
These books hold many secrets of:
The Resistance's headquarters is located on:
Rose is a ____ for the Resistance.
Which bad@$$ woman is the founder of the Resistance?
We're looking at a casino located on:
Rey's speeder was built by:
This is:
Which of these characters had an Imperial Officer as a father?
Maz's castle is located on: