Is your brain more RDJ's eccentric Iron Man, or everyone's favorite patriot Captain America?
Is your brain more RDJ's eccentric Iron Man, or everyone's favorite patriot Captain America?

You are 91% IRON MAN and 9% CAPTAIN AMERICA!
You are 91% IRON MAN and 9% CAPTAIN AMERICA!
You totally hacked into the system to rig your percentage, didn't you? You are 91% like Tony Stark after all, right? Or ARE you?
Judging by your answers (rigging or no) you absolutely are! You take the world at face value (yay cynicism) and truly appreciate a challenge. You refuse to acknowledge anything you "can't do" and will instead bend whatever task is at hand to your every will until it is a perfectly feasible "can do" - by any means necessary.
Your electric personality allows you to coast through life by the seat of your pants, and that's exactly how you're supposed to live. People love you, you love you, what more could a guy want? A suit of armor, mostly, but hey - science is working on that as we speak. Boo yah.
You are 64% IRON MAN and 36% CAPTAIN AMERICA!
You are 64% IRON MAN and 36% CAPTAIN AMERICA!
What an interesting mix you are! The majority of your mentality lines up with billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist Tony Stark! There is, however, a solid 36% of your heart and soul that is very much Steve Rogers aka Captain America!
A competitive person by nature, your aggressive streak is balanced out by your innate understanding and will to get along with others. In short - you REALLY enjoy winning, but are also not a sore loser. You're a fair sport, a rare thing in the competitive world! You've got a heart of gold and a brain as sharp as a tack! Not those little dinky thumb tacks, either. The BIG ones that go right into the wall when you want them to!
This may seem like a bit of an off-kilter result, but honestly you seem to have a bit of the best of both worlds. Now the REAL question is, given your percentages, who in the world will you root for come CIVIL WAR next year!?
You are 55% CAPTAIN AMERICA and 45% IRON MAN!
You are 55% CAPTAIN AMERICA and 45% IRON MAN!
Holy Hitler Face Punch, Bucky! You're almost a hairline split! Can it be? Such a near-even mix of both playboy Stark and heart-o-gold Cap!? Your results seem to say so!
You've got the wit and intelligence of Tony whilst also sporting a super-strong moral compass like the one and only Steve Rogers. Sure, you have a harder time than most figuring out what you want to do in life given your vast array of qualities and talents - but what seems like a burden to you is something many you know are quite jealous of!
This may seem like a bit of a "non revealing" result, but honestly you seem to have the absolute best of both worlds which is quite rare! Now the REAL question is, given your percentages, who in the world will you root for come CIVIL WAR next year!?
You are 83% CAPTAIN AMERICA and 17% IRON MAN!
You are 83% CAPTAIN AMERICA and 17% IRON MAN!
Now here we have a hero we could follow to the ends of the earth! Look at you go! You're almost entirely like-minded to the wonderfully heroic Steve Rogers aka Captain America!
Sure, there's a bit of Tony Stark's trademark cynicism and wit sneaking in, but the vast majority of your mentality lines up with Cap. You've got a huge teddybear interior with a tough, inspiring exterior. This makes you a natural leader whose moral compass is worth following - all extremely valuable traits to have in the world we live in. It may be exhausting at times to have so many people rely on you - but by helping those who look up to you you're shaping our tumultuous world into a much better place. There's no greater reward than that!