Can You Solve 6 Classic Irish Riddles? No One's Nailed Them All Yet!
Can You Solve 6 Classic Irish Riddles? No One's Nailed Them All Yet!
If you've got a luck stone, now'd be the time to use it!
If you've got a luck stone, now'd be the time to use it!
Ready to give it the ol' Irish try? We'll state the riddle, then you tell us what you think the answer is. Simple enough, right? All will be revealed by the end!
1. What is it that is full of holes, but can hold plenty of water?
1. What is it that is full of holes, but can hold plenty of water?
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2. Which Irish rock is as light as a feather?
2. Which Irish rock is as light as a feather?
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3. Which five-letter Irish surname can be spelled with just two letters?
3. Which five-letter Irish surname can be spelled with just two letters?
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4. What has eyes but can never see?
4. What has eyes but can never see?
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5. What type of bow absolutely cannot be tied?
5. What type of bow absolutely cannot be tied?
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6. Where can you find gold, but there's never really any gold at'all?
6. Where can you find gold, but there's never really any gold at'all?
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How'd you do? Did you nail 'em all?
How many of the riddles did you get correct, right off the bat?
How many of the riddles did you get correct, right off the bat?
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021