Changes To Your Favorite Childhood Book Reflect How Much Society Has Changed Since 1946
Changes To Your Favorite Childhood Book Reflect How Much Society Has Changed Since 1946
Dads have learned to cook since the 1950s!
Dads have learned to cook since the 1950s!

Renowned children's book author & illustrator Richard Scarry has made many subtle yet important changes to his book, 'Best Word Book Ever.' All of his tinkering reflects the major growth of society over the past decades:
Terms that were commonplace in the 50's such as "policeMAN" and "fireMAN" have been changed to "police officer" and "fire fighter".
Scarry has been quietly updating his wonderfully whimsical classics to ensure that future generations don't get caught up in outdated gender stereotypes and harmful tropes.
"Pretty stewardess" and "handsome pilot" have both dropped their adjectives to become less gender-dependent. Girls can be pilots too - as well as gentlemen stewards.
What do you think of Scarry's subtle updates to his classics? Should all prolific figures take such care to help guide future generations in a more open-minded direction? Or is this all just trying too hard to be politically correct? Let us know in the comments below!