What Is Your Mythology I.Q.? 25 Questions!
What Is Your Mythology I.Q.? 25 Questions!
Do you know Zeus from Odin? Then this is the ultimate trivia for you! Step forth, peasant, and become one with the Western Gods as you test your Mythology Mettle on a scale from 0 to 25!
Do you know Zeus from Odin? Then this is the ultimate trivia for you! Step forth, peasant, and become one with the Western Gods as you test your Mythology Mettle on a scale from 0 to 25!
Ready to find out your Mythology I.Q. on a scale from 0 to 25? Let's get started!
Easy one first: Who is the Roman Equivalent of the Greek's Zeus?
Now to test your worldiness... Which of these is NOT a Celtic God?
And the GREEK Goddess of love, beauty, and passion is:
What is the name of Thor's hammer?
If you're traveling with Hades, it's down the River:
This is a tougher one! Celtic God Cernunnos is associated with:
Congratulations! You have perished in battle as a Norseman. You are headed to WHERE in the afterlife?
Mars is the God of what in Roman Mythology, making whom his original Greek counterpart?
Time for a Nordic hunt to feed the family! Better pay our respects to:
Hercules, the Roman Demigod, was known as who to the Greeks?
And just WHO are Huginn & Muninn?
The ancient Tuatha De Danann were sacred to which country's Mythology?
Artemis has a twin brother! Who is it?
Zeus is to Odin as Hades is to...
Before you can cross it... Which Mythology claims the Bifrost?
If you wish to find those mightier and older than the Olympian Gods, you search for:
Time to consult the Gods in Celtic culture! We must find a:
If you were to draw Yggdrasil into this piece, you would be drawing a:
Time to get married! Better pray to:
The Book of Kells delves in which Mythology?
Which of these names doesn't belong?
Hmmm... Venus is to Aphrodite as Neptune is to:
Which of these Norse Gods famously kept Gjallarhorn in watch of Asgard?
Flag time! The "Red Dragon" is of paramount to which region?
Aaah, the Three Headed Hound of Hades. This is: