What Is Your STAR WARS Destiny?
What Is Your STAR WARS Destiny?
The Force is strong within the Galaxy once more. Where will your future take you? Into the Darkness... the Light? Or something more?
The Force is strong within the Galaxy once more. Where will your future take you? Into the Darkness... the Light? Or something more?

You've found him... Luke Skywalker. Is he what you expected?
After this fateful meeting, Darkness swells around you... You are:
Time to train in this darkness. You wish to use:
The clouds part, and Porgs appear. You:
Time to leave this place behind. Where are you going?
Is it worth it? What you're fighting for? Is it truly worth it?
How have you gotten this far?
You are a Beacon of Light - The Galaxy's Last Hope!
You are a Beacon of Light - The Galaxy's Last Hope!
So many have given up hope, but not you. You are destined to be the Light in the Galaxy - a symbol of hope, perseverance, and good. You may not cling to the ways of old as tightly as the Jedi or blur moral lines among the ranks of the Resistance, but at your core you are GOODness incarnate, and the Star Wars Universe will rally around your beacon of truth! No matter what happens, no matter how awful, we must never abandon the Light!
You are to lead the Resistance in the Fight for Hope!
You are to lead the Resistance in the Fight for Hope!
A true warrior for justice and progress, you are destined to Lead the Resistance in hopes of a better tomorrow for all! Though you value peace and the good in others, you are not afraid to do what must be done... Rebellions may be built on hope, but they are WON by those who do not back down in the face of danger - and that person is YOU for the Star Wars Universe!
You are to fight for Balance, For the Grey
You are to fight for Balance, For the Grey
What is "true", and what is "false", if both are just a matter of perspective? The entire universe has sought Balance since the beginning, and your long, tumultuous life has taught you that this balance does not come from joining either the Light or the Darkness, but by acknowledging both - and allowing a harmony to exist in between. You... you are so much more than a Jedi or Sith... you are the Balance of the Star Wars Universe!
You are to fight for the First Order in the name of Order itself!
You are to fight for the First Order in the name of Order itself!
Order. Is there any better sense of accomplishment than the satisfaction of pure Order? Not for you, and not for the First Order! For decades, Rebellions and Resistances have plagued the Star Wars Universe, spreading discord, panic, and violence. You're uncanny ability to bring stability to chaos and relish in the cleanliness of control have you destined to take over the Galaxy at the head of the First Order!
You are to be Consumed by Darkness...
You are to be Consumed by Darkness...
Search your feelings.... Do you know it to be true? It is there, the Darkness... it always has been. Will you cower away from you destiny, or will you embrace it to make you stronger? The weaker beings of the Galaxy do not have what you have been given, and you refuse to waste it. Power is made to wield and shape - and you desire much more of this. Give in to the Darkness, and the Star Wars Universe is yours for the taking!