5 Traits to Look for When Looking for a Copywriter

Let's say you’re the inbound marketing director of a marketing agency. You need one thing (and probably desperately):

A writer.

But not just any writer.

• Not your nephew, the newly minted English or journalism major college grad.
• Not the gal who writes “a bit on the side.”
• Not even the experienced advertising account executive.

You need someone who has written a ton of content online. Someone who:

Jean Henshaw
Created by Jean Henshaw (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 8, 2015

Understands writing is work – damn hard work – and looks at what she does as a commercial enterprise. Otherwise, if she’s new to this “writing business thing,” once she finds out how hard it is to write for hours each and every day, she’ll be gone.

When it comes to working as a copywriter, wimps need not apply.


Gets deadlines. If you tell him on Wednesday that you need the copy/content on Tuesday by 2, he’ll get it to you by Friday at 1.

Copywriter pressured by deadlines? You need another copywriter.


She has a tough shell: she knows you may ask her to rewrite some or all of her work. She won’t shrink into the fetal position at this news. She also won’t argue with you – she’s no prima donna, artiste type, feeling that any criticism of her work is an attack on her very being. No, she understands this is business! And in business, there will be rewrites!

A good copywriter won't crack when criticized.


Will argue with you when your changes make a mess of things. His years of experience tell him you’re wrong and that your changes will render the content useless. And he’ll tell you so. He’ll die on this hill if he has to, because he knows – KNOWS! – that your changes truly damage the copy.

Look for a copywriter who's not afraid to disagree with you when he's certain that the changes you want to make to his copy take away from its effectiveness.


Acts as your partner. She’s no simple order taker: “Write five 1,000-word posts on credit card tokenization and get it to me in two weeks.” Instead, she’ll be the one who recommends post ideas, and then suggests that they be bundled into short reports for later distribution to prospects and clients. In other words, this gal thinks STRATEGICALLY.

A great copywriter doesn't do only what's she's told: she has the bigger picture in mind and is full of ideas as to how to help improve your inbound marketing.

So where do you find such a copywriter. Right here. (See me raise my hand?) I’ve been writing online full time since 2009 and worked as a journalist for several years before that. Writing isn’t my life, it’s my business, and I treat it – and your needs – as such.

Contact me today! www.content-scribes.net.

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