Which Road to El Dorado Character Are You?
Which Road to El Dorado Character Are You?
Although this movie isn't one of the most popular, it is still timeless! The characters have such personalities (they're very detailed). Which character are you? Well, let's travel to the animated 16th century and find out!
Although this movie isn't one of the most popular, it is still timeless! The characters have such personalities (they're very detailed). Which character are you? Well, let's travel to the animated 16th century and find out!

There is a homeless man on the street and he asks you for a bit of money. What do you do?
You get the opportunity to go to a foreign country to study the culture of the locals. What do you say?
How would your friends describe you in one word?
What aggravates you the most (out of these choices)?
Random question: do you like animation?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how adventurous are you? (one being not at all and five being omg YAS).
Another random question: do you like accents?
Do you like animals?
Final question: if you have seen The Road to El Dorado, then who is your favorite character (out of these few)?
You're most like Miguel! You're kind, caring, and an optimistic person! You know right from wrong and always pick right. You're friends are very important to you, and you will do a lot for them. You may or may not have a British accent, but hey, it just makes you all the more awesome! :)
You're most like Tulio! You tend to look on the darker side of things, but you're best friend will always be there for you tu cheer you up (even if they DO sometimes get on your nerves). You're cunning and logical, and even though you can sometimes be a bit greedy, you're willing to sacrifice anything to help your friends. Don't worry, you'll get the girl (or guy).
You're most like Chel! You're sexy and have a sassy attitude. You like to help people, but only if you get something in return. All in all, you are a nice person, and you'll eventually get the guy (or girl). Oh yeah... did I mention that Chel is also seductive...? Forget I said that...
Chief Tannabok
Chief Tannabok
You're most like Chief Tanni! You're a great, kind, and enjoyable leader. You care about those you help and you will do anything to make something good happen in your community. You know right from wrong and will always, always choose right, even if no one is doing it. You can also be considered adorable at times... ;)
You got Tzekel-Kan! You're a villain at heart. All you want is to be superior than everyone else, and you don't let anyone forget it. You're most likely popular, and if you're not, than everyone knows your name. You want to be more than what you already are. However, you are probably one of the greatest villains of all time!
You got Altivo! How to explain him... hmmmmm... Oh, I got it! You're a bit arrogant and obnoxious, but really, you're quite lovable. Almost everyone likes you (even though not all of them admit it). You know that people like you, and so you sometimes let it get into your head. However, you're kind and loyal to your friends. You will stay by them no matter what. You will always be there for your buddies, even if you are a horse (just kidding about that last part!)