Do You Remember ALL The Things You Should Definitely Remember By Now?

97% of adults don't...

Jeff Boatman
Created by Jeff Boatman (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 18, 2016

To TURN ON the light in your bathroom, you push/turn the light switch:

And how about in your kitchen?

To open your front door, you turn the key to the:

How many windows are there in your house?

How many wine glasses do you have?

Do you know how much money you have in your checking account?

How many credit cards do you currently have?

Do you remember your MOTHER's full birthday (day, month, and year)?

How about your FATHER's Birthday?

Do you remember your MOTHER's or FATHER's cellphone number?

Do you know exactly where your passport is right now?

And finally...

You Passed! You are a self-sufficient adult with an incredible memory!

You Passed! You are a self-sufficient adult with an incredible memory!

You must be a highly intelligent adult with a remarkable memory! You are good in math, you can remember small details, and you quickly understand concepts and ideas. You make unusual associations between different objects, and you don’t readily accept failures. People with your memory skills challenge everything and can think through ambiguity.

Try again!

Try again!

Whoops! You didn’t pass. You may just be too creative and free-spirited to concentrated on daily routines. Are you gifted in visual or performing arts?

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021