Most Humans Use Only 10% Of Their Brain. What Percentage Do You Use?
Most Humans Use Only 10% Of Their Brain. What Percentage Do You Use?
What percentage of your brain do you actually use?
What percentage of your brain do you actually use?
Which triangle is bigger?
Which triangle is smaller?
Are there more than 10 shades of purple in this blot?
Which shade is darker?
What color comes next in the series?
And how about in this series?
Which shape has a greater area?
Which shade is lighter?
And finally, which shape has a greater perimeter?
You use 10% of your brain.
You use 10% of your brain.
You use 10% of your brain. No worries! It actually means you are an abstract thinker with an open mind. Would you describe yourself as calm, cool, and collected, OR as an energy bomb? Let us know in a comment below.
You use more than 10% of your brain - You are a genius!
You use more than 10% of your brain - You are a genius!
You are a genius. Only 0.01% of the population use more than 10% of their brain. You are curious, sharp, and highly intelligent, and you don't take anything for granted. Albert Einstein once said: "Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." DO YOU AGREE? Let us know in a comment below.