what chess peice are you?
what chess peice are you?
find out what chess piece you are
find out what chess piece you are

favourite game
favourite warrior
fave method of killing
best movie
who's your favourite hero
what's your best character strength
what's your favourite chess piece
last question are you a introvert or extrovert
do you like chess
you always rush in without thinking you are brave and are always willing to sacrifice for your friends.
you are strong and are always exited you like showing off your moves you are socially talented and sometimes a bit stubborn
you are strong and you are a rebel people sometimes think badly about you. you are kind and nurturing in the inside. you are normally exited and like to be in charge. you are always the centre of attention
you are wise and like to give advice you are not one of those people who jump in straight away. you don't take in needed risks. and you like to show your authority
you are always the first one to do stuff. you are brave and like to jump in some times you take in needed risks. you always persevere and work good in a team of 2-4
you like to be boss you are calm and decisive and don't like to jump into battle you are wise and don't like close up violence. you don't take in needed risks