Which Elemental Wolf are you?

The title SHOULD explain it's self! :) I found some kewl pictures too, so I hope the results are even better as the kewl pictures!! Have fun :3

SilverTheEpicSnowWolf :3
Created by SilverTheEpicSnowWolf :3 (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 15, 2015

What's your WONDERFUL, MAGICAL, FAV, drum roll please, COLOR

How would you describe yourself?

What kind of music do you listen to?

What kind of pet would you have?
((If you could have it in your house))

It was a nice day in the grasslands, out of no were your attacked by enemy!! How to you react?

What do you do on your free time?

What is your ranking in the pack?

If someone came up behind you what would you do?

What is you birthstone? EVERYONE CLAP!

Your a water wolf :D

Your a water wolf :D

You have a cool personality and are very calm. You are usually known as the follower and you don't talk much. Though you go with the flow, everyone thinks of you as a good wolf. You are. You will get a friend that makes you talk more and that spreads your personality farther than you ever could alone. You will get that friend, so wait for your more self to come.

Your a dark wolf :D

Your a dark wolf :D

You are more a loner type than anything and you don't have friends. Your not the socail kind of wolf though you aren't angry when another wolf approaches you or begins to talk with you. The reason your like this is because of your past that still haunts you like a ghost at work. Though you don't have friends, you would always be a great one. Oh but don't feel bad, one wolf will talk to you some day and change your entire life.

Your a flame wolf :D

Your a flame wolf :D

You have a raging personality and you talk a lot. You have a few friends, only two GREAT ones. You can beat the guts out of people when you fight and you get angry super easy. Everyone sees you as one heck of a person and they think your one FUN wolf. You bring the party when you enter and you get along easy with others. But watch out, you tend to snap to your black fighting side. Watch out, here you come

Your a electric wolf :D

Your a electric wolf :D

You have a hyper and happy personality. You are very jumpy at times but tend to calm down. You have one shock of a personiality and you are the fastest runner everyone knows. You think of your self as a happy person and everyone knows you that way. You have THOUSANDS of friends. According to you, everyone is your friend. Keep thinking like that and you'll get a lot of places. ((Everyone is your friend...literally.))

Your a light wolf :D

Your a light wolf :D

You are a positive wolf who does what is right. You are very popular friend wise and don't care of what other wolves think of you. You have a pure, beautiful soul that is mostly better than others. You know your better than the others but you treat them as if you were best friends with them.

Your a ice wolf :D

Your a ice wolf :D

Your vary nice kind but just shy you get scared real easy you hide a lot but that dose make you a coward or a loner this is different you just are scared because of your past but in the end your just a nice snow wolf

Your a grass wolf :D

Your a grass wolf :D

Your vary kind nice and helpful you do not like to fight you like two work things out the easy way you have 10 or more friends you an epic wolf

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021