Are you more Sam or Cat?
Are you more Sam or Cat?
Find out if you're more like Sam Puckett or Cat Valentine from the TV show Sam and Cat!
Find out if you're more like Sam Puckett or Cat Valentine from the TV show Sam and Cat!
People would more likely describe you as...
Which do you like to eat more?
Your best friend is...
If you had a day off, you would...
Your taste in clothes is...
You're lazy and don't like working.
You've dyed your hair or have thought about dying it.
What movie are you more likely to watch?
If someone is bullying you, you're more likely to...
You like to use butter to...
You'd rather ride a...
Are you easily scared?
Are you more of a goody-two-shoes or a rule breaker?
Are you good with kids?
Choose your favorite quote
You're Sam!
You're Sam!
You're the tough-as-nails, food-loving Sam Puckett!
You're Cat!
You're Cat!
You're the sweet, bubbly, and lovable Cat Valentine!