More Than A Thousand People Showed Up To Help This Dying Teenager With Her Last Dance
More Than A Thousand People Showed Up To Help This Dying Teenager With Her Last Dance
Jerika Bolen suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic and completely incurable disease
Jerika Bolen suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic and completely incurable disease

Jerika, who lives in Appleton, Wisconsin, announced to the community that she plans to enter hospice care, as her disease takes it's course. She plans to unlock her ventilator, the device that helps her breathe, and die. But before this happens she has one last wish; to go to Prom! So the local community made it happen, and over a thousand people attended last Friday, called 'J Dubs Last Dance'
Despite being in almost constant pain, Jerika kicked ass on the dance floor!
“When I decided, I felt extremely happy and sad at the same time,” said Jerika of her tough decision. “There were a lot of tears, but then I realized I’m going to be in a better place, and I’m not going to be in this terrible pain. I’ve been working on it and thinking about it for way longer than anyone else has.” Jerika said she wasn't sad for herself, but for her friends and family who will have to mourn.
Decorations going up for Prom!
Over a thousand people showed up to celebrate Jerika's life. She plans to die at the end of August, but on Friday night, celebrating with friends and family, all Jerika had to think about was whether she would be crowned Prom Queen. Of course, she was.
You will be missed Jerika. More than words can adequately express.