Which Mythical Creature Would Be Your Perfect Pet?
Which Mythical Creature Would Be Your Perfect Pet?
Are you a Unicorn person or would you prefer a more practical Pegasus?
Are you a Unicorn person or would you prefer a more practical Pegasus?

You are a beautiful being, charged with the purest magic around! Your pet Unicorn will help you achieve all your magical dreams! Be careful and guard it well; Unicorns are rare and precious creatures. Also, beware of their horns!
Welp. You've got a pet dragon, which means the rest of us are officially doomed. Have fun riding into battle on top of your flying death machine, may we recommend fire-proof armor? You are independent and strong-willed, once on a path nothing can stop you! (you have a dragon, seriously NOTHING can stop you)
You don't give up-ever. You know how to play the long game, and the short game, and just all of the games. And when things don't go your way you make like your pet phoenix and rise from the ashes! Failure is not a word in your dictionary.
Okay so you've not got the most glamorous of magical pets, but definitely the most practical one! You're intelligent if a little reclusive, but god help the person that crosses you! Nifflers are resourceful and loyal, but they can kick some serious butt! You and your pet are not to be underestimated!
You and your Gryphon don't want any trouble, but if someone starts something you know just how to finish it! You might look intimidating on the outside (and you can handle your business for sure) but you're also patient and kind with those you love.
Forget keeping your feet on the ground; you've got a Pegasus! Your head is very firmly in the clouds-you are the definition of a free spirit! Ride your Pegasus into the sunset, but don't forget to give your friends a ride here and there!