Which Thanksgiving Dish Is Your Psyche?
Which Thanksgiving Dish Is Your Psyche?
The Psyche represents the totality of the human mind; are you more Turkey or Green Bean Casserole?
The Psyche represents the totality of the human mind; are you more Turkey or Green Bean Casserole?

Let us begin; do you often feel like you are on an emotional roller-coaster?
How do you get through tough times?
Do you feel uneasy when you are asked to show physical displays of affection?
Are you a procrastinator?
Do you break promises?
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Do you consider yourself a private person?
When you feel sad, do you seek the company of others to make you feel better?
Do you often lose your temper over the small things?
The Turkey!
The Turkey!
You friend, are the Turkey! The main event! The big star! The big show! You are the ultimate extrovert, you thrive on the attention of others, and you love to put on a show! Remember this Thanksgiving to give other people some time too, but have fun!
The Cranberry Sauce!
The Cranberry Sauce!
Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without Cranberry Sauce! Sure you can buy some in a can, but the good stuff is always homemade! You might not look like much at first, but you know how to bring out the very best in people and no dinner is complete without you!
Greenbean Casserole!
Greenbean Casserole!
Strange, unique, and oddly delicious...you've got to be Green Bean Casserole! Sure, no one knows exactly where you come from, or why you're here, but who cares! You bring the flare! This Thanksgiving be sure to share your unique point of view whenever you can!
Sweet Potato Pie!
Sweet Potato Pie!
Sweet Potato Pie. Marshmallows AND sweet potatoes in one dish? Dinner AND dessert? It shouldn't be delicious but it is, and no one knows it better than you! You're a true genius, even though sometimes you're an unrecognized one...but don't worry, you'll always have pie!
Pecan Pie!
Pecan Pie!
Pecan Pie; you're a true socialite. You bring the party, mostly because you ARE the party. Beloved by all, you're full of sweet and savory goodness all in one. You're fun, full of life, and not afraid to share your opinion. This Thanksgiving make sure you make some room for your quieter friends!
The Stuffing!
The Stuffing!
You're the Stuffing! You might not be the main event, but any table is incomplete without you. Quiet and reserved, you take your time and you don't like to rush things. but when you do something you take it all the way. Make sure this Thanksgiving you let people in!