What Type of Mermaid Are You?
What Type of Mermaid Are You?
This quiz will tell if your a Freshwater, Arctic, or Tropical Mermaid. Let's find out!
This quiz will tell if your a Freshwater, Arctic, or Tropical Mermaid. Let's find out!
Created by Mermaid Phoenix (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 10, 2015
What are you doing on your day off?
Pick an animal...
What powers would you want?
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Freshwater Mermaid
Freshwater Mermaid
You're very high-alert and protective of your territory. It is YOURS, so why should anyone else be aloud in it? You also stay away from the crowd and do things your own way.
Arctic Mermaid
Arctic Mermaid
You are very strong and outgoing. You don't care about love-you care about winning the battle.
Tropical Mermaid
Tropical Mermaid
You are care-free and loving. You think everyone should be treated fairly and have fun.
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