Are You More of a Dog Than a Human?

If you identify more with a canine companion than homo sapiens, this quiz is for you. It's time to finally learn the truth– are you more of a dog than a human?

Jillian Richardson
Created by Jillian Richardson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 17, 2015

What do your clothes typically look like?

How do you drive your car?

How would people describe your personality?

Do you enjoy playing outside?

How much control do you have around food?

You are DEFINITELY more of a dog

You are DEFINITELY more of a dog

You would eat your food out of a dog bowl if it was acceptable. As it is, you're going to have to settle for spending meal time with your canine companion. Just remember to actually talk to some fellow humans every once in a while, okay? Word on the street is that they can talk back.

You're a Mixed Breed

You're a Mixed Breed

Sure, you like to stick your head out the car window every once in a while. But you also enjoy the fact that you can devour a bar of chocolate or walk into a public building. Sure, it would be nice to live life as care-free as a dog. But who wants to do that all the time when you can't even pick up the remote?

You're Not a Dog Person

You're Not a Dog Person

You've mastered being a member of the human race. In fact, there's almost no canine qualities in you, whatsoever. You ride your car with the windows up, have exactly no attraction to tennis balls, and actually think that cats are alright. In other words, you have no doggy DNA.

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