Barry What Have You Done? The Flash Season 2 Trivia!
Barry What Have You Done? The Flash Season 2 Trivia!
So much happened in Season 2 on the show! From the introduction of some important characters, to all the travelling to different Earths. Are you ready for the premiere of season 3 of The Flash?
So much happened in Season 2 on the show! From the introduction of some important characters, to all the travelling to different Earths. Are you ready for the premiere of season 3 of The Flash?

Who is this villain from the first episode of season 2?
In the first episode featuring King Shark, who stops the "shark-man" and saves Barry?
Where does Barry first meet Jay Garrick?
Who was responsible for the death of Patty Spivot's father?
What did Professor Stein need in order to survive the death of the other half of Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond?
What nickname does Cisco pick for himself?
This is Jefferson _____, the other half of the new Firestorm.
What does Zoom want?
This is Joe's ex-wife, and Iris' mother, _____ West.
Can you name this big unfriendly gorilla?
Joe thinks Wally is endangering himself doing what?
Who did Zoom turn out to be?
What does the Speed Force tell Barry he must accept in order to become The Flash once more?
Who was the "man in the iron mask" imprisoned by Zoom?
In the end of season 2 Barry travels back in time and _____ his mother.