Can You Tell What Is Wrong With These Sentences?
Can You Tell What Is Wrong With These Sentences?
Can you tell which of these sentences are correct and which have errors? You'll have to choose "Spelling Error", "Punctuation Error", "Grammar Error" or "No Error."
Can you tell which of these sentences are correct and which have errors? You'll have to choose "Spelling Error", "Punctuation Error", "Grammar Error" or "No Error."

I came home but the door was locked so I had to climb through the window.
The cemetary finally hired a security guard.
It seems he gets sick alot.
At the grocery store I bought; apples, milk, eggs, bread, cheese, and lemons.
If we will be late, they'll be upset.
Rachel is very smart; she began reading when she was three years old.
Andrew really does want to go live in a monestary.
My cousin was born in the 1970's.
You should have some rasberry pie.
Everybody must bring his or her own lunch.
Danny wants a new bicycle for his birthday.
I fell asleep while I watched television.
The people is all just standing still.
The recipes are good for beginning chefs.
Sally likes the cherry candy, but not the lemon.