Prove You Aren't The Monster - Test Your Frankenstein Knowledge!
Prove You Aren't The Monster - Test Your Frankenstein Knowledge!
Numerous stage and film adaptations have been made, but this quiz is all about the original novel "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus."
Numerous stage and film adaptations have been made, but this quiz is all about the original novel "Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus."

This tale starts with letters by Captain Robert Walton ... to whom?
What is Doctor Frankenstein's first name?
The Captain and his men find Frankenstein during their expedition to ...
Someone close to Frankenstein dies from Scarlet Fever. Who?
Which of these names are NOT used for the "monster" in the book?
Justine, a servant of the Frankenstein family, is framed for the murder of the Doctor's brother William. Who framed her?
Upon it's awakening, Frankenstein is initially _____ ___ his creation.
Frankenstein studied chemistry and other sciences at what school?
The Monster wants the good Doctor to ...
What is the name of the Doctor's fiancé?
Victor tells Captain Walton to avoid what?
Doctor Frankenstein has two brothers, William and _____.
After the death of poor Henry Clerval, Victor is imprisoned. Who comes to visit him there?
How was the creature travelling when he was spotted by Captain Walton and his men?
What happens to the Monster in the end?