What Sherlock (BBC) Character Are You?

Find out which Sherlock character you are most like!

Created by disastertown (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 4, 2016


Sexual Identity?

How smart are you?

What is your attitude toward someone you love?

What best fits your personality?

How hard do you ship Johnlock?

Something bad is happening/has happened. You're extremely sad or anxious. What do you do?

Mental disorder or negative feeling that surfaces whenever you are down

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes

Extremely intelligent, seemingly unattached, rude, arrogant. But actually you are a soft person inside with so many emotions and desires bottled up which can be fulfilled by your love!

John Watson

John Watson

Loyal, have a strong drive for justice and helping others
You have a balance between your desire for danger and your desire for stability and peace.
Get anxious and moody sometimes but your lover completes you!

Jim Moriarty

Jim Moriarty

Reckless and insane genius.
When it comes to love, you want possession and control.
Secretly lonely and bored with life.

Mycroft Holmes

Mycroft Holmes

Intelligent in a files and institutions kind of way
Organized, reserved
Compassion for your loved ones

Molly Hooper

Molly Hooper

Starts out as "Little Miss Perfect"-ish but keeps developing and learning about love through experience
Strong inside

Greg Lestrade

Greg Lestrade

Not super-smart but moral, sympathetic, helping people who are going through hardships when no-one else is. The world needs cops like you!

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