Are You Genetically Predisposed to Having Twins?
Are You Genetically Predisposed to Having Twins?
Wouldn't it be nice to have twins? They are truly 2 in a million! Some people are more likely to have twins than others. Want to know if you're one of them? Take this quiz!
Wouldn't it be nice to have twins? They are truly 2 in a million! Some people are more likely to have twins than others. Want to know if you're one of them? Take this quiz!

Twins - they're so magical, aren't they? Nothing can ever come between them, they speak a language of their own. Maybe you've dreamt of one day having twins or maybe you've wondered if you're even prone to having them. It turns out that factors like age, weight, height, body shape, and allergies all play a role in how likely you are to have twins. Take this quiz and find out whether or not your next pregnancy will be a 2 for 1!
Is there another set of twins in your extended family?
If you have twins in the family, which side are they on?
Are you a twin?
Are you planning on having a kid when you're over 35?
Would you say you are tall?
Would you consider yourself to be overweight?
What's your race?
Do you eat dairy?
Have you been pregnant before?
Are you planning on using IVF therapy to conceive?
You are NOT genetically predisposed to having twins
You are NOT genetically predisposed to having twins
According to your answers, you are NOT genetically predisposed to having twins. There are many factors to having twins including your cultural background, the shape of your body, your age, and how many twins are in your family. So it looks like there's a low chance of you having twins especially if this is your first pregnancy and if you don't have twins in the family. In order to increase your chance of having twins there are some things you can do like eat more dairy and use IVF therapy if you need it. Good luck! Click here for more quizzes!
You are genetically predisposed to having twins
You are genetically predisposed to having twins
According to your answers, you are genetically predisposed to having twins. There are many factors to having twins including your cultural background, the shape of your body, your age, and how many twins are in your family. So it looks like there's a really high chance of you having twins especially if this is your second pregnancy and if you have twins in the family. Having twins is so special, it's like a novelty and no one will be as close as your twins are! In order to increase your chance of having twins there are some things you can do like eat more dairy and use IVF therapy if you need it.
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