Are You Naturally Funny? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Are You Naturally Funny? Take This Quiz To Find Out
Are you really as funny as you think you are??
Are you really as funny as you think you are??

Created by Jocelyn Rovers
On Jul 13, 2018
Who's your favorite comedian?
What are your favorite kind of jokes?
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
What do your friends usually compliment you on?
Pick a clown:
Pick an outfit:
What's your favorite beloved romantic comedy?
Who's your favorite SNL cast member?
Yes! You are naturally funny
Yes! You are naturally funny
You are a regular jokester. You've been funny all your life. Every bone in your body is dang hilarious.
No. You are not naturally funny
No. You are not naturally funny
Sorry to say, but you aren't naturally funny. You've got tact but not a lot of laughs. It's ok, leave the jokes for the clowns.
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