Are You Wifey-Material?

Ever wondered if guys generally consider you wifey-material? Take this quiz to find out!

Jocelyn Rovers
Created by Jocelyn Rovers
On Mar 12, 2018

Who would you rather be your boyfriend?

Which bouquet of flowers would you like to receive?

What's your idea of a perfect date?

How many kids do you wanna have?

What do you wear on a first date?

Who would you rather marry?

Pick your favorite wedding movie:

Pick a suburban house to live in:

You are Wife-Material

You are Wife-Material

You are destined to be a wife. You thrive on responsibility and can't wait to have a family of your own!

You are NOT Wife-Material

You are NOT Wife-Material

You're not meant to be a wife. You'd rather live life by your own rules than be dragged down by the expectation of starting a family.

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On Nov 18, 2021