Which Decade Best Reflects Your Personal Style?
Which Decade Best Reflects Your Personal Style?
Everyone fits into a specific decade whether that's the 60s, 70s, or the 80s! Which decade suits you best?
Everyone fits into a specific decade whether that's the 60s, 70s, or the 80s! Which decade suits you best?

Do you ever wish you could live in a different decade? Well, that's probably because your style just doesn't suit the one you're in. Wouldn't it be nice to wear those nice a-line 50s-style dresses? Or what about those cool bell bottoms jeans from the 70s? Everyone's personal fashion sense and style falls into a specific decade, which one suits you the best? Take this quiz and we will tell you. Don't forget to share your results with your friends!
What's your favorite style of music?
Pick a hat to wear:
Pick a dress:
How do you like to wear your hair?
Who's your style icon?
Which of these hair products could you never live wthout?
Which of these makeup products could you never live without?
Which of these movie heroines would you like to be?
How often do you wear makeup?
What's your body type?
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 40s
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 40s
According to your answers, the decade that best reflects your personal style isthe 1940s! This means that your natural style and look would fit well into this decade. The 1940s were known for a-line skirts, modest clothing, work wear, and high-waisted pants. This WAS wartime after all. The hair was styled in waves and would often have a "flounciness" to it. Dresses would often have collars and were similar to the dresses worn by housewives. Also, nautical was in with military flair to every outfit. Full, bold lips were in as well. Do you feel like you fit into this decade? Let us know in the comments!
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 60s
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 60s
According to your answers, the decade that best reflects your personal style is the 1960s! This means that your natural style and look would fit well into this decade. The 1960s were known for bright, poppy colors, white go-go boots, shift dresses, colored tights, berets, and psychedelic patterns. Think about the fact that street drugs took off in the 60s causing the hippie movement and the flower child, natural style. The "bump" or "beehive" was in, which required lots of hairspray and hot rollers. Long lashes and nude lips were in as well. Do you feel like you fit into this decade? Let us know in the comments!
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 70s
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 70s
According to your answers, the decade that best reflects your personal style is the 1970s! This means that your natural style and look would fit well into this decade. The 1970s were all about blue jeans, laid back style, plaid, leather jackets, fringe, bell bottoms, and neutral tones. This was the aftermath of the hippie movement where the natural, granola style became mainstream. Your personal style is casual and easy going so you would fit perfectly into the 70s. You also like wearing your hair down and long and like using color on your eyes with big lashes. Do you feel like you fit into this decade? Let us know in the comments!
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 80s
The decade that best reflects your personal style is the 80s
According to your answers, the decade that best reflects your personal style is the 1980s! This means that your natural style and look would fit well into this decade. The 1980s were all about leggings, tube socks, sneakers, and scrunchies. You might be really into fitness with a muscular body. Your hair is made to be blown out into a curly do and sprayed with lots of hairspray. You would look super good in athletic wear and have the body to pull off a high-v bathing suit like Pamela Anderson! Do you feel like you fit into this decade? Let us know in the comments!
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