Would You Survive The End Of The World?
Would You Survive The End Of The World?
The end of times is near, do you have what it takes to survive?
The end of times is near, do you have what it takes to survive?

You stocked your cupboards with:
Pick a panic room:
If the world had to end, how do you hope it would happen?
Pick your favorite apocalyptic movie:
What's the first thing you do when you find out the world is ending?
Which planet do you hope to evacuate to?
Which of these would you NOT be able to live without for a week?
Which apocalypse hero do you most relate to?
You SURVIVE the end of the world!
You SURVIVE the end of the world!
When the end of the world hits, you're like "let's do this!" Whatever the cause is, you're gonna defeat it and save the planet! Or at least save yourself.
You don't survive the end of the world.
You don't survive the end of the world.
You're way too scared to even think straight. You're too young to die! You don't handle end-of-the-world type high pressure situations very well...they find you in your panic room surrounded by empty cans of beans and dry pasta.