What's Your Emotional Age?

Hey there. You're about to find out your emotional age. It's important that you take it for what it is. Information. There is no right or wrong. There is no correlation to your actual age or your potential for peace or your overall awesomeness. There is only information that can be useful as you navigate how to be, do and feel what you want to in this world. You ready?

Jody Moore
Created by Jody Moore(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 18, 2017

When my kids misbehave or don't do what I ask them to do, I can't help it... I get frustrated or angry.

When I'm around certain groups of people, I tend to get my feelings hurt.

If I decide I want to feel better about something happening in my life, I know what to do or think about to make myself feel better.

In truly healthy marriages, each person does their best to make the other one happy.

Certain events and people in my life make me feel good, while others make me feel bad.

I know exactly what to do if I want to "choose happiness."

I believe that there is nothing outside of me that can make me feel any certain way. I am responsible for my emotions and I feel empowered when I think about it this way.

There are certain "negative" emotions that I don't want to feel (stress, resentment, anger etc...) and when I do feel them, I often feel guilty for allowing them.

I believe that things happen in my life that make me happy, and other things happen that make me sad.

I give myself permission to feel whatever I am feeling and believe that I am meant to experience an entire range of emotions.

emotional child

emotional child

You, like many people, are living primarily in emotional childhood. This does not mean anything is wrong. It only means you were never taught where emotion comes from and what to do to manage it for yourself. You were probably taught that other people can hurt your feelings. You might believe that you can and should try to make other people happy. Now that you are aware, you can begin to mature emotionally and once you do, you will tap your amazing potential to be the person you were meant to be. I'm here to help.
This is the work we do in the Be Bold Membership Community. Myself and a community of women just like you are working on emotional empowerment and up leveling ourselves and our lives. This helps us, but it also hugely impacts our families and I believe it is the most important work we can do in this life. Through live coaching calls, online discussion and a virtual class taught be me each month, you we are doing our part to change the world. Are you ready to join us? Now is the perfect time...

emotional teen

emotional teen

You're an emotional teenager. You are making progress toward understanding how to keep responsibility for your emotions (and allow others to be responsible for theirs) but sometimes you still revert back to believing that other people can hurt your feelings or that you should try to make other people happy. This does not mean anything is wrong with you. It only means there is progress you can make in this area and when you do, you'll discover an ability to be the person you were destined to become. Want help?
This is the work we do in the Be Bold Membership Community. Myself and a community of women just like you are working on emotional empowerment and up leveling ourselves and our lives. This helps us, but it also hugely impacts our families and I believe it is the most important work we can do in this life. Through live coaching calls, online discussion and a virtual class taught be me each month, you we are doing our part to change the world. Are you ready to join us? Now is the perfect time...

emotional adult

emotional adult

Congratulations! You tend to function as an emotional adult. This means you understand that when you feel bad, it is your choice and when you feel good, it's also your choice. Other people can not make you feel anything unless you choose to relinquish the control which we all do at times. But overall you understand that this does not serve you and you know how to take the responsibility back when you want. This skill can serve you very well if you leverage it. Are you leveraging this tool to get the results you want in every area of your life? Your self confidence, your relationships, your money, your health.... none of this is outside of your control.
This is the work we do in the Be Bold Membership Community. Myself and a community of women just like you are working on emotional empowerment and up leveling ourselves and our lives. This helps us, but it also hugely impacts our families and I believe it is the most important work we can do in this life. Through live coaching calls, online discussion and a virtual class taught be me each month, you we are doing our part to change the world. Are you ready to join us? Now is the perfect time...

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021