How Long Would You Last In A Zombie Apocalypse?
How Long Would You Last In A Zombie Apocalypse?
Favorite color? Best musician? These questions don't measure how well you'd do in a zombie apocalypse. This quiz tests you on real, applicable situations. Would you survive longer than Daryl?
Favorite color? Best musician? These questions don't measure how well you'd do in a zombie apocalypse. This quiz tests you on real, applicable situations. Would you survive longer than Daryl?
What is your philosophy on killing other humans?
A zombie outbreak has just begun more than 500 miles from your current location. What do you do first?
Your group finds a gun shop, which weapon do you choose?
The person you love the most is trapped in a shed surrounded by zombies. What do you do?
Your group is walking along a road in a rural area and have no food or water. What do you do?
It's the middle of winter, your group hears on the radio a broadcast that there is a safe zone in a city to the south. The route is known for being littered with zombies. What do you do?
Your group has been captured. You are locked in an empty, concrete room with your hands tied. What do you do first?
You have found a safe zone. The community and people are nice. Everything is perfect. What do you do?
1 Month
1 Month
Your survival intuition is weak. Your best solution is to find a strong group and tag along as long as possible. You are a follower and are not cut out for leading others in the zombie apocalypse.
2 Months
2 Months
You lasted longer than a month, but your survival intuition is still very weak. Find a strong group and have them teach you how to survive. Go outside and practice some zombie defense drills. You never know when they might come in handy!
6 Months
6 Months
Don't feel depressed. You survived 6 months! Considering the millions of flesh-eating dead people lurking around, that's pretty good. You have lots of room for improvement though. Do your research so next time you're better prepared.
1 Year
1 Year
1 Year? Congratulations! Most people die off in the first week or so. You would not survive forever. Consider putting some deeper thought into your decisions. Have your brother or sister slap you a few times in the face to build up your tough-o-meter.
2 Years
2 Years
You definitely know how to survive. We all make bad decisions. It just so happened that your bad decision led to your death. Sucks living so long only to die. But, that's the way the zombie apocalypse goes.
3 Years
3 Years
Your survival skills are great! But, one slip and it's all over. Always be on guard. You never know when a lurker might come out and grab you! You could easily kill a few with your bare hands though.
You have the survival skills necessary to fend off the zombie apocalypse. You know what to do and when to do it. Daryl is a little jealous of you, but you've earned it!