Can You Guess Who Noel Gallagher Is Slagging Off?

The mouthy Manc sounds off, but about who?
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On Mar 29, 2017
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“He doesn’t look like he could be mentally capable of running a corner shop, far less a fucking country.”

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“He wants to write his own tunes instead of ruining everyone else's.”

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“She can’t even chew gum and walk in a straight line, let alone write a book.”

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“I did drugs for 18 years and I never got that bad as to say, ‘You know what? I think [they] are brilliant'.”

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“He looks like Zorro on doughnuts.”

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“If [he] fucking shat into a lightbulb and started blowing it like an empty beer bottle it’d probably get 9 out of 10 in fucking Mojo.”

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"I'm just glad I lived long enough to hear the shittiest band ever."

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"I wouldn't wish [them] dead, just seriously maimed. I'd take a couple legs off."

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“I would rather drink petrol straight from the nozzle at a garage than listen to an interview with [him].”

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“I don’t have a crystal ball. I didn’t see he was going to turn into a c*nt.”

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“Even if one of them started injecting heroin into his cock people would go, ‘Yeah but your dad was a vicar, goodnight’.”

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"Who would want to be [him], sitting in a studio in a nappy, eating a fucking carrot with your little fat feet in a sandpit?”

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“They look like fucking Amish people.”

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“[He] said in an interview that he hears voices at night, willing him to fail. To fail at what? You don’t do anything.”

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"I'm not having him. I just don't like his head.”

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"[He's] the angriest man in the world. He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup."

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On Nov 18, 2021