Can you identify the football badges from these descriptions?
Can you identify the football badges from these descriptions?
These 18 badges belong to Premier League and Football League clubs - here's what we think they look like
These 18 badges belong to Premier League and Football League clubs - here's what we think they look like

Just a bunch of red and white lines. Try harder.
An adidas snake
A lion made of fire incorporates ‘trapped in a box’ into its mime routine
A still from the animal version of the Seven Nation Army video, featuring a fox emerging from a venus fly-trap
A bloodied miniature moose head pinned to the back of that Roadblock robot that won the first series of Robot Wars
A scientist has cross-bred horses with rabbits to act as guards for a castle and they look pissed off
This lion has had enough of your backchat. Just let him get back to putting the massive stirrer back into his takeaway coffee
A bird stood on top of that marzipan decoration you get on every Christmas cake ever. Are those meant to be redcurrants?
An eyeless man with a massive neck gets struck in the face by a football he literally couldn’t have seen coming
A stingray on the bullseye of a dartboard
They’ve mixed up pieces from the Guinness logo jigsaw puzzle and the barbershop sign jigsaw puzzle and asked two cats to put it back together. No idea why they thought that would work
Basically a naval pin-badge, like the kind I saw that one time I walked into a pub for an early kick-off and there was a military funeral going on
A giant pick-and-mix strawberry twizzler sharpened so it can be used as a weapon in battle
A disembodied hand breaks up two bees fighting over a bird. Not as in slang for a woman - an actual bird
A two-headed bird of prey, wearing lipstick for some reason
They’re so strapped for cash they need to use corner flags as posts and swords as a crossbar. But if they’re doing that, what are they using for corner flags?
A face with wreaths for eyes and the top of a helter-skelter for the nose. People are going to start sliding down and then fall into a blue abyss - it’s a fucking deathtrap. No idea how this one got past health and safety
Three swords - one for cutting a shrimp, one for puncturing a football and one for waging war with the sea