Can you name these foods just by looking at them?

If you get 16/20 that's a Michelin Star.
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jul 28, 2016
1 / 20

What type of cheese is this?

2 / 20

What type of biscuits do we have here?

3 / 20

What type of egg is this?

4 / 20

What are these nuts?

5 / 20

Can you name this chocolate bar?

6 / 20

What type of pasta is this?

7 / 20

What cut of steak is this?

8 / 20

Name the potatoes...

9 / 20

What's this fruit?

10 / 20

Do you know what type of fish this is?

11 / 20

What are these sweets?

12 / 20

Name this herb...

13 / 20

Do you know what type of soup this is?

14 / 20

What type of vegetable are these?

15 / 20

Name this ice lolly...

16 / 20

What type of sausage is this?

17 / 20

Can you name this curry?

18 / 20

Who's this chocolate made by?

19 / 20

Name this dip...

20 / 20

What type of noodles are these?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021