Can you smell what The Rock's cooking?
Can you smell what The Rock's cooking?
He's hungry – he's only had five meals so far today.
He's hungry – he's only had five meals so far today.
Can you smell what The Rock's cooking?
No, he's not cooking a giant stack of pancakes!
No, he's not cooking a giant stack of pancakes!
The Rock really likes pancakes. Actually, he fucking loves pancakes. The only thing he loves more than pancakes is pancakes with little chocolate chips all over them, and also his dog. This is why it's so devastating that The Rock isn't cooking pancakes today – he accidentally finished off all 35 of his eggs last night while making scrambled eggs as a midnight snack. Damn.
No, he's not cooking an entire horse with a flamethrower!
No, he's not cooking an entire horse with a flamethrower!
There's do doubting The Rock could eat an entire horse – if he wanted to. But he wouldn't – because he's a good guy – and cooking one with a flamethrower? How could you even think that of him. You've upset him now. You've made The Rock cry. Nice one, asshole.
No, he's not cooking cod!
No, he's not cooking cod!
We all know The Rock eats a lot of cod. Like, an entire school a day of cod. But sometimes even he gets a little bored of white fish – praise the lord for cheat day.
No, he's not cooking a 72-egg omelette!
No, he's not cooking a 72-egg omelette!
The Rock does love a good 72-egg omelette – what better way to get his required 430g of protein per day? Sadly though, not every day can be a 72-egg omelette day. Chickens need days off too, you know.
No, he's not cooking a single baked bean!
No, he's not cooking a single baked bean!
Why would The Rock cook one single baked bean? Do you know who he is? Do you know what he's capable of. You better get out of here before you get rock bottomed through the floorboards.
Yes, he's cooking nine pizzas!
Yes, he's cooking nine pizzas!
The Rock's feeling pretty peckish, but it's not meal time yet. You know what that means – time to cook up a little snack to tide him through until second lunch. There's nothing like nibbling on nine whole pizzas to fill the hole – and look how excited he looks about it.
No, he's not baking you cake!
No, he's not baking you cake!
You think The Rock has taken hours out of his day to bake you a chocolate cake? Well IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK, because you're wrong, he hasn't. Sorry.
No, he's not cooking 12 lobsters!
No, he's not cooking 12 lobsters!
The Rock did experiment with lobster once, but he was so hungry he couldn't be bothered to take the shells off, and so didn't especially take to it.