How well do you remember Anchorman?
How well do you remember Anchorman?
"I'm in a glass case of emotion"
"I'm in a glass case of emotion"

At the beginning of the film, when Ron comes back home from the party, what has Baxter eaten?
Which channel are the news team led by Ron's great rival Wes Mantooth from?
What item of food does Ron throw out of his car window, knocking this motorcyclist off his bike?
To try and impress Veronica, Ron claims that San Diego means "a whale's vagina", but in what language?
Complete this quote: "I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship, that was used during the..."
What are the other two things Brick says he loves before he says "I love lamp"?
What is Brian Fantana's nickname for his penis?
What stupid name does Ron bribe the Channel 4 announcer to call Veronica at the beginning of their broadcast?
At the end of the film, what does the narrator say Brick goes on to do as a job?
When Ron is in his "glass case of emotion", what colour suit jacket is he wearing?
Who does Brian Fantana say makes his notorious Sex Panther cologne?
And which of these is NOT used as a way to describe the smell by other members of the newsroom?
What workouts does Ron tell Veronica he does on Tuesdays?
What is the name of Wes Mantooth's mother, who Champ says he's going to take out for a nice seafood dinner and never call again?
When Champ introduces himself at the beginning of the film, where does he say he might go "take his pants off"?
Ed Harken's son gets in trouble at school for taking acid and then doing what?
Which of these insults does Ron NOT say to Veronica as they are pretending to joke around at the end of their broadcast?
What is the name of the giant panda which gives birth, helping restore Ron's career back to its former glory in the process?