How well do you know Jon Snow?
How well do you know Jon Snow?
You know nothing
You know nothing
When we see him for the first time, who's Jon helping with their archery?
What's the name of Jon's direwolf?
True or false: Jon gives Needle to Arya?
What's the last word that Ned says to Jon?
After joining the Night's Watch, where's Jon assigned to?
This man hates Jon, what's his name?
Where does Jon take his Night's Watch vows?
What's the name of the sword he's given by Mormont?
Where do Jon and Ygritte first have sex?
How many arrows did Ygritte fire into Jon?
What's the name of Jon's personal steward?
Jon avenged Mormont's death by those mutinous Night's Watch members. Who led the traitors?
"I'm not a bleeding poet." Jon said this to describe ... ?
How does Jon kill Styr?
Who asks Jon to bury Ygritte north of the wall?
Who actually nominates Jon for the vacant position of Lord Commander?
Jon becomes the ... Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
True or false: Despite killing his family, Jon asks House Bolton to send men to the Night's Watch
Complete the quote: "Kill the boy and let the ... be born"
Complete the superb quote: "No clan can stop them, the free folk can’t stop them, the Night’s Watch can’t stop them and all the southern kings can’t stop them. Only together, all of us, and even then it might not be enough but at least we’ll give the ... a fight!"
What word is written on the cross when Jon's stabbed, betrayed and killed?
Jon executes ... mutinous Night's Watch members before quitting the order
Complete the quote: "What kind of god would have a ... that small"
Which House DOES NOT fight with Jon during the Battle of the Bastards
How many men does Ramsay have for Jon to defeat in the Battle of the bastards?
After chasing him to Winterfell, how does Jon knock Ramsay to the ground?
What colour is Jon's specific banner?
In Season 7, what's the first order that Jon gives?
When Tyrion meets Jon on Dragonstone, what does he call him?
Davos notices Jon looking at Daenerys' ... ?
Who DOESN'T join Jon's Suicide Squad beyond The Wall?
Daenerys says that she could never be with Jon because he's ...
What relation is Daenerys to Jon?
Complete the quote: It appears Tyrion's assessment was correct, we're ... "
As Season 8 approaches, where are Jon and Dany sailing to?
Who has actually NOT said, "You know nothing, Jon Snow."
What's Jon Snow's actual name?