How well do you know Mrs Doubtfire?

10 questions to test your knowledge of one of Robin Williams' best performances
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Nov 11, 2016
1 / 10

What is Mrs. Doubtfire's first name?

2 / 10

What song is Pudgy the animated bird singing during the opening credits?

3 / 10

Who does Daniel impersonate when he quits?

4 / 10

What song is playing during Chris's party?

5 / 10

Where does Daniel get the idea for Mrs. Doubtfire's name?

6 / 10

What was the name of Pierce Brosnan's character?

7 / 10

Where is Pierce Brosnan's character from?

8 / 10

How does Daniel explain Mrs. Doubtfire to his social worker?

9 / 10

What car does Mrs. Doubtfire vandalize?

10 / 10

What is the name of Mrs. Doubtfire's monkey assistant on her TV show?

Questions left
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