What Japanese Prefecture Mascot Are You?
What Japanese Prefecture Mascot Are You?
Which mascot are you hiding behind?
Which mascot are you hiding behind?

Which Japanese food makes you the hungriest?
Which strange kitkat flavor sounds the most appealing?
Who do you trust most?
What deadly sin are you most prone to?
What do you consider to be your greatest personality trait?
Which baby animal is the cutest?
Do you believe in true love?
Shimaneko is the mascot of the Shinname prefecture. He is represented by a yellow cat with the roof top of the famous Izumo Taisha as his hat. He is a sweet mascot who entertains passerbys and residents alike in the Shiname prefecture.
As Shimaneko, you have a level headed personality. You are able to keep calm in tense situations and most importantly, keep your wits about you when the going gets tough. People consider you to be a strong person and a loyal friend. Your strength defines you, and your friendships are what you shall be remembered for.
Hikonyan is the official Mascot of Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture. He was created to celebrate the 400th year anniversary of the Hikone castle. The name Hikonyan is a combination of the name "Hikone" and the sound a cat makes "nyan". This cat mascot is extremely popular even outside of Hikone and his image is available on everything from socks to stuffed animals. He even has his own song!
As Hikonyan, you are the rare combination of a lover and a fighter. Because of your strong spirit, you are the definition of a fighter. At the same time, however, you have an air of innocence about you and are often mistaken for weak when in reality you are just kind. It is this unusual combination of traits that makes you a lover and a fighter, a rare personality type that will aid you in all of life's endeavors and ensure that your dreams become reality.
Gunma-chan was the winner of the 2014 contest for favorite prefecture mascot! Gunma-chan has been the Gunma prefecture mascot technically since 1983 when he was created for the 38th national athletic festival. However, he has changed much since then, having evolved in design from his original blue horse to this cute hind-leg walking pony! He has his own Facebook page, blog, dance, and cookies!
As Gunma-chan you are a person who is creatively influenced! You have grown much as a person throughout your life but what has remained constant is your ability to experience the world in a way unlike any other. You see the beauty in the little things and you are able to capture this fleeting beauty through artistic means (such as through song, poems, or visual art!). It is this talent that lends itself to all aspects of your life. You will find that your life itself will be a piece of art!
Kumamon is perhaps the most recognizable prefecture mascot. In 2011, he was the winner of the nationwide survey of favorite mascots. As a result, he gained a massive amount of popularity worldwide! Following his win, he garnered 11.8 billion yen's worth of merchandising revenue! He represents the Kumamoto region of Japan.
Kumamon is a mischievous character and, likewise, you have a similar personality of a trickster. You are secretive and reserved towards those who do not know you very well, and because of this you are often difficult to befriend. However, once you have befriended someone, you are often friends for life. Even if there is a slight hiccup in your relationship with another, you are never one to jump to conclusions. Your mischief is always managed.
Mikyan is the prefecture mascot for the Ehime prefecture of Japan. He is a cross between a puppy and a mandarin orange so his ears are leaves and his tail is the blossom of the mandarin orange. As Mikyan, you are an undeniably sweet person.