Which Breed Of Dog Are You When You're Lazy?
Which Breed Of Dog Are You When You're Lazy?
We're all a little lazy sometimes, right? Why not throw some puppies into the mix?
We're all a little lazy sometimes, right? Why not throw some puppies into the mix?

Which baby animal is your sleepy soulmate?
A trip to the cinema is incomplete without a snack! Which of these do you choose to keep you company during your film?
What are you binge watching?
How do you dance when you're alone?
Lazy day anthem?
To be lazy, is to experience yourself in full comfortable glory. Bulldogs are little lumps of sleepiness who aren't bullies in any way - except when it comes to hogging the blankets and the popcorn. Likewise, in your laziness, you too are a lump of sleepiness who brings no harm to others., besides your tendency to steal extra snacks and blankets for yourself. No one blames you for this, of course. We are all drawn to snack food and warm blankets - some are just more deserving than others (or are more willing to steal said comfortable items). For taking your laziness to a whole new level, why don't you try throwing your blankets into the dryer before your cuddling needs and throw a couple of reese cups into the freezer for a few minutes for a new taste sensation (try your best not to forget about them for a few hours.. That's a frozen tasteless sensation!)
Chow Chow
Chow Chow
Chowchow's and you are very similar in your lazy habits. You both like to chow chow (the pun was unavoidable) on various snack foods. Whether it's dog treats for the puppy or the entirety of your fridge for you, laziness to you both is a full stomach. Every lazy activity needs it's own food accompaniment, hot baths require Chinese food (and considerable skill in slurping those noodles whilst in the tub), netflix + pizza = power couple, and everyone's favorite- snacking while preparing a larger snack! Don't be ashamed of your munching tendencies, embrace the snack. Treating yourself to treats is needed every once in a while and they do say you are what you eat. So you might as well be your favorite food!
Beagles are known for their fondness of howling. As their lazy human counterpart, you are drawn to singing when no one is looking. Boredom for you is your own personal audition but without the fear of judgement (assuming you aren't interrupted by unexpected guests). Moreover, lazy and bored singing is essentially a mixtape of all your old favorites. It's a replay of every commercial jingle, holiday song, and 90's regretful banger, that you love to hate. You make your own fun when you're having a lazy day at home, whether it's deciding to stack as many items as possible onto a unsuspecting sleeping animal friend, or reenacting your favorite movie scene in your shower. Lazy days are your forte.
What do you and poodles have in common? Your oodles of cancelled plans! It's a lazy person thing, though I'm sure you already know that. Sometimes life gets in the way, and things go awry. For example, when life gets in the way of your naps, things go very, very awry. Poodles are lap dogs, they thrive in warm comfortable spaces. And by thrive, I mean nap. They nap in warm comfortable spots (preferably, but honestly, they'll nap anywhere). You too are unopposed to sleeping in unusual locations if that means you get to squeeze in a nap. Sleeping on a long flight? - Easy! Sleeping while parachuting out of a plane? - A bit trickier, but you can manage. Keep calm and sleep on!