Should You REALLY Go To Hogwarts, Or Another Famous School?
Should You REALLY Go To Hogwarts, Or Another Famous School?
We all want to go to Hogwarts to learn the ways of magic, but are you truly destined to be a witch or wizard? Yes, you may be - BUT there's every chance you're destined for something else entirely! Which fantastical school should you REALLY be returning to this year?
We all want to go to Hogwarts to learn the ways of magic, but are you truly destined to be a witch or wizard? Yes, you may be - BUT there's every chance you're destined for something else entirely! Which fantastical school should you REALLY be returning to this year?

Who would you be most excited to have as a mentor?
Which of these Core Classes would you sign up for first, just by the name alone?
Which of these would you jam out to while getting ready for school?
Several divisions of WEAPONRY 101 are available to take this year. You choose:
Time for your first Summer Reading assignment! You choose:
Who would you vote for as your Class President?
Which fantastical, famous creature would you want as your school mascot?
Wow! YES, you ARE destined for Hogwarts!
Wow! YES, you ARE destined for Hogwarts!
Was there really any other result worth getting for you!? Hogwarts is THE school of your dreams, and you're headed right where you belong! Time for your standard curriculum to change from Algebra and Literature to "Potions" and "Defense Against the Dark Arts". The rest of the world will drudge on in their cubicles and classrooms while you ride a Hippogriff off into the horizon toting your treasured, trusty wand! You'v always been a wizard underneath your mundane muggle existence - this is just further confirmation!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to The Jedi Academy!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to The Jedi Academy!
Brace thyself, young Padawan learner - for your destiny lies within the Jedi Academy! An ancient school of the Lighter side of the Force, the Jedi Academy is now under the guidance of Master Luke Skywalker, your soon-to-be teacher! As a force-sensitive individual whose hands were MADE to hold a lightsaber, you've got what it takes to become an upholder of peace and order in the galaxy! But beware of anger, fear, and hatred... these are all paths to the Darkside that will forever dominate your destiny if you choose to embrace them!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters!
Have you always felt a bit... different? Never really cared for the mainstream or cliques of modern society? Well the secrets out my friend - you are a Mutant! Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is currently enrolling for the new schoolyear, and you're his newest student! You may not have discovered your latent mutant powers yet, but they are bubbling at the surface just waiting to be honed by the likes of Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, and many others! Best part is, when classes are over you'll be suiting up as one of the X-Men - not sitting around picking your nose like everyone else you know. Now what will your mutant codename be!?
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to Monsters University!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to Monsters University!
You're quite the colorful character aren't you!? Why go to classes with boring ol' normal humans when you can laugh & learn it up with some insane monsters! Time to enroll and there's no better school for you than Disney's MONSTERS UNIVERSITY! A whimsical and imaginative individual whose inner monster is just waiting to burst forth, you've got the grimace and gusto it takes to be an all-A student at this prestigiously animated college. Not to mention your love of all things Disney really sells the class curriculum for you!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to School of Rock!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to School of Rock!
Art thou ready to slayeth for the Rock God Supreme!? Of course thou art - You're a perfect fit for the SCHOOL OF ROCK! Remember how droll it was taking classes like Algebra and Social Studies? Now imagine taking those classes but take out the boring stuff and add in some drums, bass, and wailing electric guitars! You're destined to rock your way through the very school created for said purpose - a natural musician whose love of music cannot be ignored! Now which instrument will you major in!?
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to The College of Winterhold!
No Hogwarts for you - It's off to The College of Winterhold!
Screw Hogwarts - You're enrolling in Skyrim's COLLEGE OF WINTERHOLD! This no-holds-barred Mage's college will still reprimand you for turning a fellow student into a pile of goo, but outside of that it's all shooting fireballs from your bare hands and conquering ancient beings made of pure evil! A true gamer and adventurer who'd much rather swing a sword or ancient staff than some puny little wand, you're destined to become the ultimate Arch Mage under the tutelage of this legendary college. Sure, they destroyed a whole city that one time, but that's a hell of a lot cooler mark on your alma mater than riding a broomstick to catch a ball!