Which Legendary Bird Is Your Poke-Totem?
Which Legendary Bird Is Your Poke-Totem?
Does your spirit shine with the icy light of Articuno, crackle with the intense lightning of Zapdos - or something else entirely?
Does your spirit shine with the icy light of Articuno, crackle with the intense lightning of Zapdos - or something else entirely?

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Victory is at hand! Time to finish off your opponents with:
Great work! Choose your reward:
Bill is at it again! He offers to turn you into a Pokemon... Definitely going with:
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Born of Ice and Wind - your Poke-Totem is the noble and beautiful Articuno! The pinnacle of Ice type Pokemon, Articuno's glistening valor is matched only by it's own sheer mastery of the cold. Like this Legendary bird, your soul shimmers with the fierce, icy winds of the arctic, and others find themselves intimidated by your inner strength and beauty.
Born of Fire and Brimstone, your Poke-Totem is the ever-igniting Moltres! The pinnacle of Fire types when it comes to sheer attack power, Moltres never backs down from a challenge - and neither do you! Like the burning Legendary bird, your soul scorches hot with an intense flame, and nothing EVER stands between you and what you want!
Born of Lightning and Thunder, your Poke-Totem is the pinnacle of Electric Pokemon, Zapdos! One of the fastest and fiercest Pokemon in all creation, Zapdos' mastery of lightning is perfectly embodied by your life-in-the-fast-lane, devil-may-care attitude. Your achievements crackle intensely with the thunderous energy of Zapdos!
Born of Emotion and Wisdom, your Poke-Totem is the Rainbow Pokemon, Ho-Oh! This ancient Legendary Pokemon values uniqueness, intelligence, and freedom - just as you do. Ho-Oh burns with the fierce, rainbow energy of equality - perfectly supplanting it's unmatched splendor as your soul's Totem!
Born of Water and Strength, your Poke-Totem is the Dragon-like Psychic and Water Legendary bird, Lugia! Lugia is hailed as one of the strongest Pokemon of all time, and his sheer mastery of both mind and body perfectly aligns with your soul. You love the water, but also have a deep appreciation for the mind and all things introspective.
Born of Darkness and Discord, your Poke-Totem is the terror-inducing Yveltal! A Legendary Pokemon birthed from pure chaos, Yveltal is perfectly matched as your soul's totem as you both seek to bring balance to the world around you through harsh yet effective means. Neither of you is evil, you simply are willing to do what others will not to accomplish what is best for the world.