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Your IQ Is 141+ If You Can De-Scramble These Holiday Riddles!

Only individuals with an IQ well above average have been able to de-scramble ALL of these holiday riddles. Can you?

Johan Beornson
Created by Johan Beornson
On Feb 20, 2019
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Which image is of the de-scrambled words?

WOW! Genius-Level Intellect, here! You're Smarter than 99.6% of Americans!

WOW! Genius-Level Intellect, here! You're Smarter than 99.6% of Americans!

- According to the last consensus, which is incredible! You're in the top percentage of people who have taken this riddle-filled quiz! That is amazing - and how cool!? You've aced this assortment of scrambled riddles, and we're willing to bet you navigate life with the same passion for knowledge, using that immense intellect. Well done! Challenge your loved ones this holiday season to see if they can compare to your greatness!

Excellent! You're Smarter than 85% of Americans!

Excellent! You're Smarter than 85% of Americans!

According to the last census taken, only about 15% of Americans possess an exceptionally high-IQ of 110 or higher, which should make you feel really swell right about now, yes? You got a few wrong, sure, but on the whole this should be considered an ace in your pocket. Challenge your loved ones this holiday season and see if they can stack up to your score!

Not Bad! You didn't miss them all, but you got more wrong than right -

Not Bad! You didn't miss them all, but you got more wrong than right -

- And that's okay! Some of these are super tricky, right!? That's the point! Challenge yourself again and see if you can make Santa & the misses proud!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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