Which Magnificent Female Big Cat Are You?
Which Magnificent Female Big Cat Are You?
Ladies! Rrrrrr you ready to release your inner roar?
Ladies! Rrrrrr you ready to release your inner roar?

Do you run in a pack or do you go it alone?
Choose your natural habitat.
What's for dinner?
Choose your biggest fear.
What's your romantic style?
Are you a morning person or the quintessential night owl?
Stripes or spots?
Fierce Leopard Queen
Fierce Leopard Queen
You are a fierce leopard queen! Female leopards are known for their large territorial control and cunning intelligence. When female leopards are ready to mate they will mate with many of the dominate males near their territory. This takes away the risk of the cubs being killed by one of the rival dominate males because they will think that the cubs are theirs. You are an intelligent, powerful and strong leopard queen!
Wild Cougar
Wild Cougar
You're a wild cougar! You take pride in bucking the system and marching to beat of your own drum! You're a wild free-spirit at heart and you don't take no for answer! Female cougars purr like the domestic cats, and often give off loud screams. Female cougars purr, hiss, snarl, and growl to get their point across. You're truly a force to be reckoned with!
Majestic Lioness
Majestic Lioness
You're a majestic lioness! A have a noble spirit and others are naturally in awe of your power and beauty. When you walk into a room, all eyes are on you. Females lions do the majority of the hunting in their pride, more than the male lions. Like an African lioness you are independent, talented and successful! Roar, baby, roar... in all your glory!
Tantalizing Tigress
Tantalizing Tigress
You're a tantalizing tigress! You are an irresistible powerhouse of beauty, intelligence and strength! Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength. Female tigers raise their cubs with little to know help from male tigers. You are true do-it-yourself matriarch with incredible natural beauty and a killer sense of humor!
Panthera Empress
Panthera Empress
You're a panthera empress! You have a powerful personality that commands attention wherever you go. You are a natural born leader, with an irresistible charisma that draws followers to you like moths to the flame! You're a true romantic at heart with a passionate sexual vibe! When the female panther is ready to mate, the she will leave scent markings for the male to follow, and also makes a sawing sound to let him know where she is! Ow ow!
Lynx Princess
Lynx Princess
You're a lynx princess! You're a princess at heart with a passion for the good life. The female lynx will only mate with one male each season. Like the lynx, you're a lover at heart looking for real commitment - at least for now! You're unique and irresistible, never settle for anything less than the best!