5 Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

John Michelini
Created by John Michelini (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 29, 2018
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5 Health Benefits of Hemp Oil

Hemp oil is full of important nutrients like omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. These can give you a variety of health benefits when used daily. Here are some of the reasons to try natural hemp oil.

Relieve Pain

One of the most popular uses for hemp oil is as a pain reliever. It’s a far healthier alternative than most over-the-counter drugs, and it’s effective at fighting many different conditions, from arthritis to migraines. It also doesn’t have harmful or unpleasant side effects, unlike many prescription medications.

Moisturize Your Skin

The fatty acids in hemp oil can work wonders on dry skin, hair, and nails. They naturally soften skin by helping it retain moisture, giving you that healthy "glow." But they're not just useful for your outward appearance: healthier skin can actually can help you stay healthier overall. Dry, itchy skin can be a gateway to infection and harmful pathogens. Keeping your skin in good condition is your body's first line of defense against disease.
Hemp oil’s skin benefits can also extend to treating conditions like psoriasis and eczema. These conditions are often caused by dry, unbalanced skin. Once your skin is healthier, the conditions should fade quickly.

Boost Your Immune System

Pure natural hemp oil can be good for your body both inside and out. It can actually help to boost your immune system to help you fight off disease. One of the ways it does this is by regulating the microbes in your gut, which is where many health problems begin. It also helps your body create compounds that balance your immune system naturally.

Balance Your Hormones

Hemp oil can play an important role in keeping your hormones in balance. This is yet another way it can help you fight disease. It can also help you feel more energized, get more sleep at night, and reduce stress. Women who suffer from menstrual cramps can often find relief by using hemp oil. During and after menopause, it becomes even more important, since a woman’s hormones go through drastic changes during this time.

Support a Healthy Heart

Fatty acids are also key to a healthy heart. With heart disease as the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, it’s something that more people should pay attention to. Fatty acids help by lowering bad cholesterol and preventing blockages from forming in your arteries. By doing this, natural hemp oil helps lower blood pressure and reduces your risk of heart attack or heart disease.

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