Attention! Time To Test Your US Military History Knowledge!
Attention! Time To Test Your US Military History Knowledge!
It's got a long and intense story....see how much you remember.
It's got a long and intense story....see how much you remember.

In which conflict did the United States lose the most casualties of any war combined?
During which Revolutionary War battle did Washington ambush the Hessians?
Which general was given command of the Allies' Ghost Army during World War II?
Which future president made a name for himself at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812?
TRUE or FALSE: The US entered World War I in 1914, when Britain declared war against Germany.
Which United States overseas territory has the highest enlistment rate of any state/territory?
Which continuous US Army conflict lasted the longest?
What brought the United States into the second world war?
How did the United States acquire Puerto Rico?
Which Revolutionary War general famously betrayed the Continental Army to the British?
What was the biggest US military blunder of the 20th century?
TRUE or FALSE: The United States acquired Mexico after the Mexican-American War in the 1840s.
What was the first US military operation in the Old World?
You Remembered EVERYTHING!!
You Remembered EVERYTHING!!
You Remembered EVERYTHING about US Military History! According to your answers, you are a military historian of an expert level. You can trace the historical narrative from conflict to conflict, easily identifying causes and effects, as well as victories and defeats. Your knowledge is so vast that you easily decimated this quiz, proving yourself as a military force to reckoned with! Perhaps military command is a future job opportunity for you?
You Remembered A TON!
You Remembered A TON!
You Remembered A TON of US Military History! According to our team of experts, you remembered a great deal! You've got the basic narrative down. From the glorious victory at Yorktown, Virginia, to the horrors of World War II, you can trace back through history to find the context of each war, as well as find insight from the military operations themselves! You are truly a soldier at heart!
You Remembered Quite A Bit!
You Remembered Quite A Bit!
You Remembered Quite A Bit of US Military History! According to your answers, you have a pretty good handle on military operations of the United States. There is, however, some room for improvement, and that is a great thing! There is so much wisdom and insight to gain from military history! Perhaps some day you will graduate to be a military leader of historic proportions in your own right!
You Actually Didn't Remember Much!
You Actually Didn't Remember Much!
You Actually Didn't Remember Much About US Military History! According to our team of experts, you just aren't knowledgeable enough to pass this quiz. Don't fret! Your interest is not misplaced! You are only at the beginning of a journey filled with hard lessons and tons of insight to apply to your own life! Will you keep calm and carry on in your journey through military history?