Can You Pass U.S. Presidents 101?
Can You Pass U.S. Presidents 101?
Time to prove whether or not you know your stuff before November's big election!
Time to prove whether or not you know your stuff before November's big election!

Which President signed the Emancipation Proclamation?
Which POTUS spoke these famous words:
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick!"
Who was the first POTUS under the Democratic Party?
Who is the only POTUS to serve more than two terms?
President George Washington was elected by a...
Which of these Presidents was NOT assassinated?
Which of these Presidents was the only one to win on a third party ticket?
WHO SAID IT: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
What was the nickname of Andrew Jackson while in office?
Which President saw the nation through the horrors of the Great War?
Which of these Presidents do not have a military background?
Who was the first President who was born outside of the original thirteen colonies?
Which POTUS was the Supreme Allied Commander during World War II?
Who was the first President to have been born a United States citizen?
WOW! You Undoubtedly Pass! Congratulations!
WOW! You Undoubtedly Pass! Congratulations!
You Can Definitely Pass U.S. Presidents 101! According to your answers, you are already quite an expert on the history of the United States Presidency. An office that was born out of necessity and a desire to restrain power. The Executive Branch of the United States Government has become more and more important over the years, as the vagueness of the Constitution becomes ever more apparent. Timeless documents are difficult to interpret, and thus, hard to defend. Making the job of President the hardest job on Earth!
Not Bad, You Could Pass!
Not Bad, You Could Pass!
You Could Pass U.S. Presidents 101! According to our team of experts, you certainly have enough knowledge to pass a course on the United States Presidency. An office that has evolved much over the course of its two hundred year long history. It is difficult to imagine the United States without a President, but, in fact, before 1789, there was no President under the Articles of Confederation. But then, you probably already knew that given your wealth of knowledge on the subject. Congratulations on your passing grade!
Hmm... You Just Might Pass.
Hmm... You Just Might Pass.
You Just Might Pass U.S. Presidents 101! According to your answers, you may have the just enough knowledge of the United States Presidency to pass a basic course on it. The United States Constitution can be pretty vague sometimes, which makes it that much more important to be know it and be knowledgable about its limitations. Whether you become an educated citizen and play a meaningful role in the society you live is up to you. But you know that you care, and it is for that reason you are here, reading this paragraph.
Oh, You May Need To Study Up!
Oh, You May Need To Study Up!
You Actually Won't Pass U.S. Presidents 101! According to our team of experts, you just do not have enough knowledge about the Executive Branch and its history to pass a basic course on it. With over two centuries worth of history, the task is indeed staggering. But ultimately, you realize that there are significant lessons to be learned by studying this history. You will have a context into which you can place current events so as to be a more informed citizen. The power is within your hands, and the choice is yours whether or not you pass this course.