Do Your Political Views Place You On Team Cap Or Team Iron Man?
Do Your Political Views Place You On Team Cap Or Team Iron Man?
Where do you stand?
Where do you stand?

What should be the role of government in the economy?
Would you enlist if there was a draft called?
How do you feel about the immigration of foreign people?
Would you enact programs like medicare and social security for your citizens?
Should Congress be able to repeal the Supreme Court's decision?
Should everyone be taxed at the same rate?
How much autonomy should the states have in the US system?
Should the US retract its military from the world stage and focus on domestic problems?
How would you deal with a clear threat to US interests?
Should military grade weaponry be used for average law enforcement?
Do convicted felons deserve to vote after serving their time?
Should the Supreme Court be able to call an election like in the Florida controversy of 2000?
Do you support the idea of for-profit prisons?
Do you think Puerto Rico should become the 51st State of the United States?
Would it be better if there were more than two major parties?
Do you think an unprovoked military attack is a good foreign policy move?
What is the first problem you would tackle if you were President?
Team Cap!
Team Cap!
Your Political Views Place You On Team Cap! According to our team of experts, your values are definitively aligned with Captain America in the upcoming Civil War movie! You think that we are all responsible for our own actions. That we can deal with threats as they come up and be able to govern ourselves based on what we collectively decide as a group. That we are all far stronger together than we are serving some institutional overlord. We believe in small government, limited spending, and lowering taxes. That we need a strong military to counter act global threats and be the champion of justice and freedom that we are!
Team Iron Man!
Team Iron Man!
Your Political Views Place You On Team Iron Man! According to our team of experts, your values definitively align you with Iron Man in the upcoming Civil War film! Some of us are dangerous, and we don't know when they might snap, yourself included. Shouldn't we have a database, a registry, of all of us so that we can determine who is the most unstable and stop a catastrophe before it even happens? The government needs to protect people, even sometimes from themselves. We believe in laws that will create a fair and equal field in all industries, and for all people. And that the state has a moral obligation to take care of the citizens who cannot take care of themselves. Gone are the days of robber barons and captains of industry, and we mean to keep them gone!